Chronic Back Pain…No End in Sight

Chronic back pain is pain that generally lasts longer than 3 months. Like any long lasting pain, it can interfere with normal daily functioning and create emotional and psychological, as well as, physical problems. There can be a fine line distinction between...

Chronic Back Pain from Trucking can last a Lifetime if Not Treated

Chronic back pain is a serious condition that affects a large portion of the population. The reasons are varied from pulling a muscle to being in an accident. The one thing these all have in common is the excruciating and lasting pain. Although there are many reasons...

Treatment of Chronic Back Pain without a Cause Can be Difficult

Anytime someone sustains an injury, there is a cause for the pain or problems they have developed. They go to the doctor and tell them what happened and what is bothering them. Even though the doctor may run a series of tests, he often can base his diagnosis just on...

Different Kinds of Upper Right Back Pain Treatment Can All Help

Back pain can negatively affect our daily lives regardless of where it’s located. Whether it’s upper back pain, lower back pain or upper right back pain, it can still be very intense. You can have acute or chronic back pain, but chances are there is some...