Lower Back Pain Relief…Aaahhh…That Feels Better!

There are many things you can do on your own to find lower back pain relief. You don’t have to suffer day after day. Many cases of lower back pain aren’t bad enough to drive you to the doctor, yet the continual or intermittent pain is enough to interfere with your...

Oh What a Pain This Is!….Cause of Lower Back Pain

If the pain in your back worsens, or you can’t find relief through moderate exercise and over the counter medications, it’s time to see a doctor to find the cause of lower back pain. There can be many reasons why you’re having back pain and they can extend...

To the Right….to the Right….to the Right Side Back Pain

Right side back pain is actually quite common, and probably one of the reasons is most people tend to be right sided and overcompensate with the right side for strength moves, writing, lifting and so on. There’s no scientific proof this is true, but even poor...

Lower Back Pain Exercise – Get Moving!

One of the best therapies for back pain of any kind is exercise. With lower back pain being quite common, many people have lost range of mobility due to favoring the pain. In other words, the less you move the tighter the muscles get and that can increase pain....

Stretching Upper Back Pain Exercises Help Improve Postural Strength

An injured upper back or thoracic back caused by stress, overwork, trauma, irritated muscles, lack of back strength, and poor posture can cause you from mild to severe pain and effect the way you live your life. Some people try to ignore their back pain and continue...