Lower back and neck pain, caused by many different problems and conditions, can range from a mild, bothersome, dull pain to very severe, incapacitating, unrelenting pain that interferes with normal movement, restricting mobility. There are several causes of back and neck pain such as referred pain, which is feeling pain in your back and neck caused by other organs in the body not located near your back or neck, such as the kidneys or gall bladder. In young adults and children, the most usual causes of back and neck pain are strains and sprains of the neck or back. Strains are muscle injuries to the neck or spine and sprains are ligament injuries. Strain and sprain symptoms usually develop immediately or within a day and disappear within a moderate length of time, usually a month or so. The symptoms of back and neck pain caused by sprains or strains include pain from tearing or stretching of the soft tissue, stiffness, or neck spasms.

Even with todays advanced technology, in many cases the exact cause of back and neck pain are unknown. Many times back and neck pain is just a symptom caused by many different problems such as degeneration of vertebrae. The effect of aging or stress on the ligaments and muscles that support the spine can often caused this. Other reasons for back and neck pain include fractures, injury, or trauma; poor muscle tone; overuse or strenuous activity; abnormal growths such as bone spurs or a tumor; arthritis; congenital abnormalities of the bones and vertebrae; compression fractures; and muscle or ligament tears.

There are several ways to help prevent some types of back and neck pain. These include maintaining a healthy weight, use proper lifting techniques such as bending from the knees; if possible, reduce emotional stress in your daily life; practice proper posture techniques when sleeping, standing, sitting, walking, or using computers or other equipment; and participate in regular stretching and exercise programs.

Treatment for back and neck pain caused by a strain or sprain often involves a rest of no more than three days and icing the injury, combined with a pain medicine and anti-inflammatory medication to help relieve the spasms. Slowly work you way back to normal exercise and activities because starting to move again is an important part of recovery. Doing strengthening and stretching exercises for your abdominal, leg, neck and back muscles and learning about proper posture, lifting, and relaxing techniques helps prevent future back and neck pain. If your back and neck pain becomes more severe or does not seem to be subsiding, seek medical advice.